Carb Cycling day 3

Today is my cheat day!!!! Even though I am going to indulge in something delicious and fattening I am still going to try and stay as close as possible to my set macros. Started my day with 2.5 mile fasted run this morning. Going to do legs around 12:30 pm

Todays booty workout:

  1. Warm up 10 light weight squats SS. 10 banded squats
  2. Box side step ups SS. BB straight leg deadlifts 3 sets: 20 each leg/15 deadlifts
  3. Seated single leg curls SS. walking lunges SS. pulsing squats 3 sets: 15 each leg/20 pulses to failure
  4. Single leg press to the side SS. weighted sumo squats 3 sets: 12 each leg/15 squats
  5. Banded hip thruster with holds (5-7 seconds) SS. cable pull through 4 sets: 15 reps
  6. Deadlifts SS. curtsy lunges 3 sets: 15 reps/12 each leg
  7. Abductors 3 sets:15 reps

Meal 1: 1/3 cup Kodiak cake pancake mix, 20g blueberries, 2 egg w

whites, 1 egg, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pineapple | 398 calories 43C 10F 35P

Snack: 2 oz deli turkey, salsa, 2 caramel rice cakes, 1 tbs powdered peanut butter | 182 calories 25.5C 3F 10.5P

Lunch: 4 oz ground turkey, 2 oz sweet potato, 1/4 cup rice, 2.8 oz green beans, 1 tbs peanut butter 384 calories 30C 17F 31P


Snack: 3 oz chicken breast, 2 oz sweet potato | 128 calories 11C 2.3F 17.5P

Dinner was my cheat meal so I did not track. However my macros before dinner were 110C 31F 94P I had saved a significant amount of carbs knowing that tonight I would not be tracking. Life is about balance, do not stress if you go over on your macros or fall under one day is not going to destroy your body. It’s the remaining days you stay consistent with your diet that allows you the freedom of 1-2 meals per week not to feel bad about. Missing seeing friends and family because you’re afraid is not worth it.


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